Monday, January 15, 2007

The playground is open

There are some things that I thought I would never do in my life, but at some point, actually went and did them anyway. Bungee jumping was one. When I first heard about it, I scoffed at the idea and secretly laughed at those who would risk their lives on a piece of rope all in the name of an adrenaline rush. Some time in 2002, somewhere in New Zealand(I forgot the name of the place), I risked my life on a piece of rope all in the name of an adrenaline rush(In my defence, I chose a place that had a river at the bottom, to give myself false hope that should the rope break, I would at least have some chance of survival, assuming I did not plunge deep enough into the shallow water and hit my head against a hard rock like an egg on concrete ground).
Blogging is another. Just another excuse for people to satisfy their cravings to be seen and heard. Just another gimmick for people to feel important about themselves. Oh well, now I have joined their ranks. Again, in my defence, I have no delusions that my blog will be read by millions, each waiting with mouth-watering anticipation for my next entry. Instead, I have been bought over by the idea that I have an avenue to pen down my thoughts and ideas that I would like to share with the people around me. In the end, the number of people who actually read what I write does not matter so much(I guess), but I will have made my feelings and opinions known, or at least available to those who are interested. That does offer a certain measure of satisfaction I suppose.
I am very new to this, so there is hardly anything on the site right now, but i'll slowly pick it up. I'm hoping to make it as interesting as possible, and let it be a site that friends can just look in when they have a bit of free time to spare. I'll be posting pictures, putting in a couple of story concepts that I have in mind, and other fresh ideas as we go along. This, after all, is the playground of my imagination. And I invite you to come right in once in awhile, and we'll have some fun together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Des....

Welcome to the gang of "blogging".
Ha Ha.Oh.. Ur baby's so cute!!!
