Saturday, May 19, 2007

Well, whaddaya know? I actually have survived 3 calls in the hospital, the last one being yesterday. The first 2 calls, I didn't have a single wink, but managed to get about an hour's rest last night. Seems to have made all the difference. The very fact that I'm here blogging serves testimony to the fact that one hour's sleep versus no sleep at all for one night makes a great difference to one's mental well-being.

Calls are still as harrowing as I remember them 3 to 4 years ago. The sense of uncertainty, the feeling of impending doom, it's almost more than my stressed little heart can bear. Good thing I'm only doing this for 2 years, then it's back to the polyclinics for me. Bwahahaha.

Okay, I seem to be ditching the cool, composed style of writing that I have been adopting previously(my own opinion, of course). Maybe it's the lack of sleep that's causing me to write like this. Looks like one hour doesn't count for much after all. But hey, it's MY blog, so I can write pretty much how I want. Bleh.

I realise my blog is a bit starved of photos currently. Will be posting soon. I'm just very uncomfortable with computers, even with simple things like transferring photos from camera to computer, but I'll get around to it.

Alright. enough of that. Time to go play my first DOTA game in more than a month. Till next time then.

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