I feel I must give some closure to this blog. My last post suggested I was going to start writing regularly, but unfortunately I couldn't get to it. Apologies to whoever may have been waiting for me to write some more.
I have since started a new blog today, and this is one I intend to write on a regular basis. It is mainly a blog on fatherhood and the adventures with my family, but may contain other topics from time to time. It can be found at: www.fatherofive.blogspot.sg, if you are interested.
So I'm stopping this blog for now. May come back to it in the future, who knows, but please considering following my other blog.
Thanks and bye!
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Friday, April 20, 2012
It's been a long time.
I've been so busy with life that writing on this blog has dropped down the priority list. Well, I guess that's only partially true. If I'm honest to myself, I've just been a bit lazy, reluctant to break the inertia that has set in after months of not bothering to update this blog. I hope to change this, as I realise I want to rediscover my love of writing again. I will be regularly logging new entries, talking about various topics, letting my endearing fans know what's been going on in my life. Will probably put in some pictures, but my objective is to entertain with words. I make a pledge to you loyal readers though. I will not sensationalise with vulgarities. I will not punctuate my sentences with obscene words to hide any lack of linguistic ability, or to gloss over otherwise shallow content. I will not use this blog to wave my angry clenched fist at the world, to pretend I'm so cool because I hate everybody.
Okay? Ready?
Let's go.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wha...??? Where did the time go?? It's just slipping from me like sand sifting through my hands. This blog has been so dead, it makes a mockery of the title I gave it. Maybe I'm just plain lazy, but I can't imagine how people can blog so regularly when all I want to do after coming home from work is just sit back, relax and spend some time with my family before going to bed to rest for the next day.

But things are looking up now. I'm going back to the polyclinic after 2 years of training in the hospital, and while it's not exactly serene and tranquil there, the madness at least ends at 5-6 pm every weekday, 1 pm on Saturday, and we get offs on every Sunday and public holiday. No more getting pre-call depression, and having to slog through the night after having slogged through the day, and then slogging through the next day. People talk about the nobility of the profession, but I can tell you, calls bring out the worst in us. I have so many things to say about the call system in the hospital, but what the hey, I'm getting out of there, so I'm not going to gripe anymore. Wahahaha.
My daughter is growing up well, and she's getting more adorable by the day. Here's a recent pic:
Got more pics of her in my facebook account. My wife is pregnant with our second child, and we're busy preparing for his arrival. We're really excited, and I can only offer a piece of advice to those not really keen on children, based on my experience: Don't miss out. It's such a special feeling watching your kid grow, gaining understanding, interacting with you, with the environment more and more, it's just amazing. Furthermore, in the midst of the economic uncertainty, and seemingly bad news upon bad news, having a wonderful family to come home to gives me an anchor that allows me to withstand the storms of life.
Alright, that's about that for now. I'm gonna try and come back soon, if there's still any of you out there reading this.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Time passes so fast.
My daughter is growing day by day, and I'm just astonished that I'm loving her more and more each day. This joy of parenthood cannot be described. It has to be experienced. The joy of seeing your own child discover more new things and learn more and more every single day.
Work has been tough, as it always has. I'm beginning to think maybe I can't be doing this my whole life. Looking at other options, maybe consider stepping out of my comfort zone.
The fragility of life is also getting to me recently. A colleague of mine passed away just over a week ago, due to an illness that should not normally become so serious for someone of his age. It just seemed so sudden, and although I didn't know him very well, the very finality of his passing from this world struck me deeply. Then, just a few days ago, a prominent comic artist also passed away, at the age of 37, succumbing to cancer. It just seems to drive home the uncertainty of life, the uncertainty of tomorrow. Who knows what will happen in the next 10 minutes of our life? Will it be our last 10 minutes on this earth?
I think I've wasted enough of my time. I'm going to try and do what I've always felt called to do, and not just keep waiting for the right moment, or just be too lazy to start anything. I want to help make the world - at least the world in my sphere of influence - a better place than before.
Hoo boy, that's what happens when you just finished a night shift and had only over an hour of sleep; you turn melancholy and melodramatic.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Yay, I'm finally on leave. After an unbelievably long period of ...training... at my current posting, I'm about to see the light at the end of the tunnel. End of this month, I'll be moving on to a new posting. I had a really difficult time in my current posting, and it was already expected, since I had done the same posting 4 years ago, and it wasn't a pleasant experience too.
Anyway, I'm grateful for this little break, and I'm just going to let go and enjoy for awhile, spend time with my family, at the same time(hopefully) preparing for my next posting. Tomorrow, we're going to the zoo so that Chloe gets to see some animals, maybe even touch some of them. We're also planning to bring her to the bird park at some point.
I was actually planning to write some more, but I've just been hit by writer's block and was staring blankly at the screen for about 5 minutes before starting this paragraph. Think I'll stop here for now, and I'll get back again with some photos from tomorrow's excursion.
Anyway, I'm grateful for this little break, and I'm just going to let go and enjoy for awhile, spend time with my family, at the same time(hopefully) preparing for my next posting. Tomorrow, we're going to the zoo so that Chloe gets to see some animals, maybe even touch some of them. We're also planning to bring her to the bird park at some point.
I was actually planning to write some more, but I've just been hit by writer's block and was staring blankly at the screen for about 5 minutes before starting this paragraph. Think I'll stop here for now, and I'll get back again with some photos from tomorrow's excursion.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Here's a poem I wrote when I was 13 years old. Thought I would share it here. Please remember, before the knives come out, I was thirteen, one-three, fresh out of PSLE.
Life is like a passing cloud,
With the many winds of doubt
They blow you from places to places,
Until you are left with lots of dazes
Sometimes I try to stop to ponder,
But heck, everything's going so fast you can't wonder
You just keep moving and moving,
Until you finally stop for some thinking
Thinking over the past, wondering about the future
Trying so hard to make things seem better
But it will always be in vain,
Then you have to move again.
Life is like a passing cloud,
With the many winds of doubt
They blow you from places to places,
Until you are left with lots of dazes
Sometimes I try to stop to ponder,
But heck, everything's going so fast you can't wonder
You just keep moving and moving,
Until you finally stop for some thinking
Thinking over the past, wondering about the future
Trying so hard to make things seem better
But it will always be in vain,
Then you have to move again.
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